
Sunday, April 20


I seem to have really good moments when I remember to get my camera out daily more so when we go out and about but then when we are just home I get busy and forget.  Today we had family over for Easter so for the last couple of days there has been lots of preparation done for their arrival. There was gardening, mowing, cubby house cleaning (which was a big job), cooking, cleaning and sewing.  They arrived mid morning, we ate lots, chatted, played in the cubby house, created more loom bracelets and enjoyed being together.  So although these photos aren't one from each day hopefully they make up for my irregular daily photos.
How has your Easter been?  I hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable time.
 Miss Molly aware that there was something going on, she always gets a little quiet.
 I bought a bunch of flowers to decorate the table.
 My cute little niece walking around with her cousins old doll, she is a girl always on a mission
The start of my shawl blocking.  I was a bit nervous about starting this so my mother in law explained to me what I needed to do and how very long it's going to take ahhh lots of patience.


  1. The shawl is looking stunning. Perfect timing too as the weather gets cooler.
    Some days I'm hopeless with remembering to take photos. It will get to the end of the day and I'll notice my camera sitting there on the table and think why didn't I take a few snaps of the days happenings.

  2. All that preparation was exactly the same at our house...amazing what needs doing when visitors are on their way.

    Happy Easter. Xxxx

  3. ooh your niece is so cute, lots of photo opportunities with her around. I hope you had a lovely Easter, sounds like you did. Thanks for your supportive comment on instagram re: my hot chip bringing relatives! I took a deep breath and thought oh well it is what makes them happy, they still enjoyed the lunch I made and we were all together which really is the main thing xx

  4. Your shawl looks lovely! I love the colour.
    Happy Easter!

  5. Lovely photos, your shawl looks beautiful. xx


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