
Wednesday, May 2

It's been in my thoughts for a little while to take a break from blogging not for long but just for a short bit of time. Lately I have been having feelings of self doubt, making lots of comparisons and scrutinising my blog quite a lot and it's not healthy.  I love to blog, I love my blog and my life it's not perfect but it's mine and nobody's life is perfect really. For some reason lately I've felt like it's not good enough, that because others don't visit or acknowledge me when I visit that for some reason there must be something wrong with me or the way I blog, maybe I'm just not that interesting anymore.  I know that for some it seems really silly and I know in my mind it doesn't matter, that my blog is something firstly for me and if others enjoy it then I'm chuffed too, really. I have some really wonderful friends who are genuine and stop by and give me the kindest words of encouragement that have me feeling happy all day. I also know we all can't be popular, that one blog may resonate with you more than another and that's ok too, I know, but sometimes it does get to me when that person stops by leaves a gorgeous comment follows along only to ditch your blog a short time later, again I know it doesn't really matter in the end.  At the moment for some reason my view has changed and I really need to stop and enjoy my beautiful life, appreciate those little things.  In the end we all have a story to tell, in the end we are all unique and special.  I need to change my outlook and what blogging means to me, to not get wrapped up in all the numbers because they don't matter and enjoy those who are kind enough to stop by. So I will be quite for just a while it won't be for long really because I think I would miss this space if I was away for too long. I hope my nattering hasn't bored you too much, that you don't think less of me because of my over thinking about blogging I did want to share with you what's been on my mind and why I will be away from here.  Have a wonderful week and I'll see you all again fresh and happily blogging soon.


  1. I always love stopping by, so hope the break isn't too long. Wishing you a great week too.

  2. Sometimes we all need a break! Blogging is something that we love to do so we are passionate about it and hope others will love our space. It took me a long time to get over a lot of the blog stuff. I still have issues with it from time to time. But... I know I follow so many blogs that I have pretty much just quit commenting on any. If I were to comment on every blog every time... or even look at them all each day... that is all I would be able to do. Do it for you... because it makes you happy! Sometimes taking a break allows us to reflect on why we started bloggging! I get very few comments on my blog and it is okay with me. I know that I just don't have time to keep up with everyone so it doesn't bother me that others don't comment either. Don't take it personal! There just isn't enough time in the day and that goes for everyone! You are a wonderful person with a wonderful blog! I hope you come back with a refreshed attitude and a renewed love of blogging for you!

  3. I've been thinking of taking a break too. Stopping to take in everything that's going on around here, without distraction. Don't be offended when people don't leave comments. It was bothering me too for a bit, but then I thought about how I go about reading & visiting without leaving a comment here or there, and I don't mean to offend, i just don't always feel like I have something valuable to say. I really get annoyed at myself when I look at the numbers, on my blog, facebook, instagram, it all becomes a bit consuming. Really, life that we write about is what we need to be enjoying. Enjoy it! And blog when you feel you want to, because you want to..xx

  4. You have such a lovely space here. Enjoy your break but please do come back!

  5. It can be hard to blog with the blinkers on at times as there is so much distraction out there. What you have said (thank you for your honesty) are feelings that I've had at times too. But as you said, it's for ourselves firstly and if we love to blog (which I do) then it will be what it will be. Know that you have a lovely place to visit and we know there is a kind and generous person behind this pretty space. See you soon when you are ready x

  6. Catherine perhaps I am one of those people who make you feel unpopular. If so I am so sorry. Sometimes life happens and we get so involved we dont stop to think. I hope you do come back soon, and I can be a better follower when you do. I
    There is nothing wrong with you my friend it is we followers who are remiss. Your words have made me realise that one should try to make the time and effort to look after each other.

    Please stay in touch and dont be away long. I am having a break at the end of May again, so hope to see you when you when I come back at the end of June.

  7. Catherine...i truly understand the words and thoughts you have conveyed in this post...i often feel the same and take a little step back to remember why i wanted to blog in the first was really for me rather than popularity but the blogging system sucks us in a little i think and we can so easily become consumed with comparing ourselves to others and watching numbers!.
    I actually think of your blog as one of the 'popular' ones...well definitely compared to mine anyway lol! I love this space and i love the way you share your thoughts....i hope you aren't away too long as i shall miss you lovely lady and the glimpses into your life....i perfectly understand though xx

  8. Hello I like to stop by even if I don't always manage to comment! And can I echo what Jode says above that I think of yours as one of the popular blogs! I hope these comments make you feel slightly better about the whole thing. I feel the same way too and constantly have to fight not to get sucked into the bits that don't really matter. I think it's good to step back and reassess. You'll have a much better outlook, and probably feel more refreshed. P.S. I don't get many comments either, but I just think in my head 'this is my space and it feels cosy and quiet. If someone wants to pop by, wonderful, otherwise I'll keep working to make it a little creative corner for me and a place I want to go'. See you soon.

  9. I've just found your place here. It's lovely. Honestly.

    You know I am quite unpopular blogwise! But that's ok with me...sometimes the coolest people are the ones that are on the outskirts. Sounds so primary school doesn't it? And this is the thing I don't like about blogging. Anyways - I don't openly follow anyone...nor do I display my "followers" because I feel (for me) that it perpetuates that primary school thing.

    Take care and I'll look forward to your posts when you return.


  10. Catherine, i know exactly how you feel and it's partly why I stopped using facebook and I sometimes think the same about my blog too, but keep telling yourself you're doing it for you and that is all that matters. Some people just want followers and so send you a lovely comment in the hope you'll do the same, which you do because you're so lovely, only to ditch you. The comment above is so true and It's hard to be positive but without blogging I wouldn't have met you or a handful of others. If you do have a break, I hope it's not too long xxx

  11. Oh yeah. I know exactly what you mean. I don't have any words of wisdom. Do what you need to do and I'm always available for you via email. It's always lovely just to chat. Take care of yourself.

  12. I think we all feel like that Catherine, its good to take a break, its amazing how much more you get done! Sorry I havent called in lately, Ive been REALLY busy!! Take care,

  13. I do hope you enjoy your blogging break Catherine. It's hard not to look at the numbers and comments, but you have to enjoy what you do and do it for yourself and not others.
    Sorry I don't get by more often to say hi and comment - you're on my blog list on the side of my blog so when I do get a chance - it's always there to remind me to stop by!
    I look forward to coming back when you're back too!!

  14. I have had similar feelings of late, I am glad someone ( you) wrote about it. I think with this kind of forum with stats and followers it's to feel self conscious. I actually think your photographs are really lovely. Keep it up, I love stopping by.

  15. Oh I am loving these comments, I so relate to everyone and also to what you have written. I think we all come across so confident in our blogs, but deep down we all just want everyone to like us. And we know how silly that is, but we feel it none the less. I have never had a lot of followers on my blog, I think that has been a good thing because it has made me focus on why I blog. I took a break from my blog for about 2 months, just because I had nothing to say. Now, I am slowly reading people's blogs again and thinking about whether I should write something. At the end of the day, it should be fun to blog. If it stops being fun, we shouldn't be doing it. Also remember that we go through cycles and that is also ok. Autumn is also the time to start going more inwards, so you might just be feeling that need to retreat inwards. I often think about you because you are one of the few people who comments on my blog. I wish you well, don't feel like you have to explain your absence from your space or feel guilty for not writing. It is your space and you can write here whenever and whatever you choose.

    All my love,

    (I hope that your dad is doing ok, I am sending him my love too.)

  16. Oh Sweetheart. I'm so sorry to see you're feeling a bit down in the dumps about blogging. I'm in a funk at the moment as well. No doubt you're also distracted with worry about your dear Dad whilst trying to keep home life normal for your precious family. Take a break, by all means. Life life, blogging second. Know that I'm only ever an email away. J x

  17. That's ok Catherine. I know the feeling. I think we all go through that phase, I drop in and out of peoples blogs just as they do mine. I realised that just like some friends serve us better on some days more than others, blogging is a bit the same. sometimes its the blog that has great recipes I need, then other days I need that spiritual twist, or something creative. Enjoy your contemplation time and your precious family. See you when you come back. Jane x

  18. hi, love your words and like a few others it has touched a raw nerve, I feel like you about blogging and how much I love, not to just receive a comment but to give one aswell, have a good break , don,t stay away too long, too many people wil miss you, just be yourself for a while

  19. Hi Catherine,
    Relax and have your break. It's ok to take some quiet time every now and again. I know that I have changed my blogging habits recently. Time just seems to be such a precious commodity and recently my time has been needed for my family more than my blog. There was a time I used to blog 5 or 6 times a week and yet last month there was a two week gap of...nothing. I too worried that people lost interest and stopped commenting but then I thought about how I haven't had the time to leave a lot of comments as I read through some of my favourite blogs as I stand in the supermarket queue or wait at the school steps. Its almost like the changing of the seasons. Some weeks blogging and commenting seem to be high on the agenda and at other times like now it falls away a little. I no longer read the stats or page views because it used to upset me to see them fall. We need to measure ourselves against a different place sometimes. Surround yourself with whatever brings you happiness. Your family, your craft, your quiet time. Hopefully blogging will stir up in your soul again sometime soon and those of us that read your words will smile again as we read your description of your days. Hopefully even making the time to stop and comment with a kind word or two. I'm sorry if I have been one of the people who appear to have dropped off. I do enjoy your writing and will be here with a cuppa next time you update...

  20. Your blog remains one of my favourites Catherine (and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better!) Your posts inspire me to be a better mother, to make and create and to cook more healthy and appreciate the special moment in the every day. The comments you leave me show what a kind, caring soul you are and I am happy to call you my friend. I hope you don't take too long a blogging break but at the same time, I hope it renews your enthusiasm and leaves you excited about this little corner of blogland of yours again.

    I was mortified the first time someone 'unfollowed' me. I kept thinking "what have I done wrong". Now I realise, that just as with other areas of our life, our likes and priorities change and I've even unfollowed blogs myself.

    Take care and hope to see you back here soon xx

  21. Oh Catherine I'm so sorry, I feel awful that I don't "speak" more. I think your life looks wonderful and I'm so grateful for every kind word you've shared with me and you've been so generous. I think your blog is wonderful and I don't think there's anything at all in it. I too find it strange when I comment particularly and no-one responds, perhaps the volume is so great they simply can't! Turn that age old saying around to read "It's not me, it's you"! xx

  22. I am sorry that I don't pop by as often as I would like to! Truth be told I very rarely get a chance to read blogs anymore or even post in my own blogs (now that I am working).
    But I always enjoy your posts when I get the chance. Be encouraged! We all love you xoxo

  23. I have enjoyed finding your little space and hopefully it is not too long before you are back sharing it again. Have a lovely weekend. xx

  24. Me and a friend were just discussing this type of thing yesterday! We sometimes feel the same way! We love our blogs and love sharing it and thats all that matters! Its a time out from our busy lives, a time to fluff around or dream or create! Don't stay away for too long...I too don't always comment, but I do visit often...and I love your comments to me as well! Enjoy your time away from blogworld! But hurry back! x

  25. Oh lovely Catherine, I hope you are feeling better and finding your balance and enjoyment out of the blogging experience. Really we all go through different stages and after all our blogs will be the little journals where we share some little snippets of our life. I am sure, regardless of all the numbers and fluctuating time we have in our hands, it will be fun to read back on what we did :) Take good care xx

  26. Oh take care
    I love your gentle, calm lovely place and will be waiting eagerly for your return

  27. I know, quiet times are sometimes necessary pauses. I have done the same, taking the opportunity of my recent trip. We write mainly for ourselves, there is no obbligation whatsoever.
    But I will be happy when you will come back.

  28. It's ok to take a break from blogging sometimes, but don't this that your blog isn't awesome!

    look forward to hearing more from you soon

  29. Hi Catherine, I hope your break away refreshes you and I look forward to your return. Wendy xx

  30. Hi Catherine. I have not opened a blog for awhile, maybe for a month or so. For the very same reasons I just have not felt inspired to blog or spend time consumed blog hopping. I did find the comparison thing was really doing my head in. I think I will pause for a bit longer. I miss people such as yourself though.

    Best wishes and will be dropping by some time soon.

  31. Hi Catherine thanks for sharing your feelings with us all not an easy thing to do.
    I hope a break from the blogging world and a fresh approach to what makes YOU happy will see you back with new inspiration......
    I love reading your posts and always appreciate your kind words and thoughts you have left on mine also the first person to think my blog was worthy of an award.....
    thank-you again. x x

  32. I always enjoy your blog posts and through your comments you come across as a very kind and thoughtful person. Ignore the numbers,stats whatever they are and just be yourself. I do find it curious how some flashy bells and whistles blogs seem to swell their numbers rapidly and get buckets of comments- I think there is a bit of a jump onto the bandwagon following a trendy blog- a little bit high school I guess. I was always on the fringe in high school and am happy to be there in blog world too because only there can you really be your own person. And commenting- I just presume that everyone is just like me and too busy wiping up spilt milks/tears/poos etc to have much time to comment. I try and comment at least every week on two on the blogs I really like, especially the local ones but I am really enjoying every post. Enjoy the break and come back with some more great photos. melx

  33. I think most of us "hobby" bloggers feel the same. I always read the blogs I follow - like your own. I may be a week behind (sometimes more) but I eventually get there. But because I read so many wonderful blogs I don't always get time to comment. I feel the same with my own blog sometimes but when I stop and think I know I have some wonderful readers (now friends) out there reading whatever I care to share with them. It's obviously from all these comments that you're not alone. Just remember why you are blogging. Take care.

  34. I know just what u mean Catherine. I'm glad your bloggy break was not for long as I would definitely miss you! Yours was one of the very first blogs that I ever started following. I rarely get around to blogging these days on my own blog or others but I always enjoy a visit here when I do. Not always good at commenting.

  35. Hi Catherine, I know what you mean, but I've decided that I will continue to blog for myself whether or not people post comments. A friend recently told me that she deliberately didn't include the comments app on her blog so that way she is not driven by that, and I am thinking about doing the same. Just like someone said, I tend to read the posts but rarely comment and I truly enjoy your posts, your photographs are amazing and I'm envious of your cooking abilities. If blogging gives you pleasure, then keep doing it. That's what matters!
    Cheers, Maja xx


Thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment on my blog I really appreciate each and every comment I read. Have a lovely day. x

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