
Friday, October 25

Nothing much

DSC_4209 It's Friday yeah!!  How has your week been?  I hope it's been a good one. I took this photo today for my mother in law, a gift for her birthday on Sunday.  This week I've been taking a few photos for my course, I'm up to week 4 and really enjoying the challenges that Erin gives us, the way she gets you to think differently about photography. I've been doing some crochet too, almost finished my shawl, I didn't quite finish it in time to wear to the wedding sadly but that's a story in itself.  I did some sewing too and made a little drawstring bag for my niece's birthday yesterday for a set of farm animals. Little ones love playing with animals  I know my two did and I love buying gifts for little ones a lot.  Also I've been doing a bit of hand sewing, I'm making a Maggie rabbit for my Miss 9 for Christmas.  It's quite fun to see it come to life, will have to take some pictures to share with you next time.  So that's been my week, tomorrow we'll be at home doing bits and pieces then Sunday off to a party.  I hope your weekend is a good one, have you got any plans? 


  1. It sounds like you have had a lovely and productive week, I look forward to seeing your makings at some time. The gerbera photo is gorgeous, hugs Wendy

  2. Maggie looks adorable
    Beautiful red gerbera - reds are so hard I find - do you? What are you post-processing with?
    We've got Jack's party today and then hockey tomorrow
    Have a great weekend Catherine

  3. A wonderfully productive week and a gorgeous photo to share too! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Beautiful flower pic Catherine, sounds like you've had a lovely week all round. Hope the weekend was just as nice.

  5. What a stunning photo Catherine. And thanks for the link to the draw-string bag tutorial... very handy x


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